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What to know about traumatic amputations

On Behalf of | Aug 15, 2022 | Personal Injury

There are all kinds of injuries that you could suffer in an auto collision, but one of the worst is a traumatic amputation. This kind of amputation may happen if the vehicle rolls over your arm or if there is a shearing force that cuts through one of the limbs. Crushing wounds can also lead to traumatic injuries severe enough to require the limb to be removed.

Traumatic amputations are life-threatening injuries, so if one occurs in a car crash, the emergency medical services should be called immediately. Those on scene can attempt to stabilize the patient after speaking with 911, so they have a better chance of survival.

What happens after a traumatic amputation?

Sometimes, if the limb is still in good condition or is partially attached, it can be reattached at the hospital. Someone with a reattached limb may require many months or years of physical therapy as well as additional corrective surgeries and medications in the future.

Other times, it is not possible to reattach the limb. In those cases, the medical provider will take steps to form the remaining area into one that can accept a prosthesis. Multiple surgeries and various medical treatments may be necessary to stabilize the patient, reduce pain and help with other issues.

What’s the long-term prognosis for someone with a traumatic amputation?

That depends on the person. The long-term outcome will depend on if the person suffers from complications like shock, heavy bleeding and infection or if they are able to get through surgery and other treatments without them.

What options do you have if you had a traumatic amputation in a crash?

If you’ve gone through a traumatic amputation, you do have options. One of them is to look into pursing a claim against the at-fault driver, which may allow you to seek compensation to cover your medical care, lost wages, pain and suffering and other financial losses. This is a major injury and one that may change the course of your life, so it’s fair to ask that you are compensated as you focus on your health and recovery.